Dr. Ward enjoys taking some time to relax and have some fun with his patients. He has provided several events where he has participated with his patients and also likes to sponsor some sweepstakes that allow his patients to win some fun prizes. Here are a few examples:
Families That Play Together, Stay Together
This was a sweepstakes contest for 4 Lagoon tickets. Lagoon is a popular amusement park located in Farmington, Utah just north of Salt Lake City. Dr. Ward wanted to promote family fun as a necessity of overall well-being.

Click here to see more about the event
Dr. Ward’s 10th Anniversary Celebration
Dr. Ward celebrated his 10th anniversary as an Idaho Falls physician. For over a month, Dr. Ward promoted the event and invited all of his patients to join us at Melaleuca Field to enjoy a Chukar’s baseball game.

Click here to see more about the event
Breaking Dawn part 2 Premiere
Dr. Ward is a Twilight fan! Who knew! As another patient appreciation event, Dr. Ward reserved the Edward’s Movie Theater for the premier of Breaking Dawn, Part 2. Dr. Ward gave away tickets to the premier and then he and over 100 of his patients enjoyed the event!

Click here to see more about the event
Comedy of Brian Regan
Dr. Ward is a big fan of Brian Regan for his clean humor and sophisticated storytelling. When it was announced that Brian Regan would be performing at the ISU Stephens Performing Arts Center, Dr. Ward bought tickets 8 months in advance to secure entrance to the sell-out performance. Dr. Ward gave two tickets away to a lucky patient.

Click here to see more about the event
Sandy Downs Horse Racing
It pays to follow Dr. Ward on Facebook (facebook.com/drreedward). In just a few days, Dr. Ward gave away over 20 tickets to enjoy the weekend of horse racing.

Click here to see more about the event